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«  July 2008  »

Cash Grants for First Time Home Buyers

Cash Grants for First Time Home BuyersWhen was the last time somebody credible offered you thousands of dollars in free money? For most of us, that just doesn't happen every day, or ever at all, for that matter.

However, if you are considering purchasing your first home, there are very credible sources that genuinely do want to give you thousands of dollars in free money.

Those sources are state and federal agencies, and the thousands of dollars of free money available comes to you in the form of a cash grant to help you buy your first home.

It is no secret that saving for a down payment and closing costs is the largest obstacle that first time home buyers must conquer. For millions of Americans, this obstacle is one that is nearly impossible to over come. After paying monthly rent, utilities, food, insurance, car payments, (as well as the high price of gasoline), clothing, phone bills, day care for the children, and many more recurring monthly bills, there is virtually no money left to set aside to save for a down payment for a future first home.

The federal as well as state governments recognize this situation and have created special programs for the very purpose of giving away money to help people in need buy their first home.

A reasonable person might assume that as soon as the money is available at the respective agencies, it is completely given away within hours, if not, days. It seems entirely logical that on the day the money becomes available hundreds and hundreds of people would line up just as fans do on the day that U2 concert tickets go on sale.

A reasonable person would be wrong.

Each year, the majority of state agencies do not completely exhaust their funding. For fiscal year 2006, only two states had requests in excess of their budget and ran out of money in their programs. For the first time home buyer, this is very good news. It means that there is currently money available to help you buy your first home.

The primary reason that the funding isn't exhausted every year is that the programs are not widely advertised. There are 3 ways you can learn about these programs: you can buy the information, you can contact your state representative, or you can go to a website that provides all the information for free.

Whatever method you choose, you stand to gain thousands of dollars in free cash assistance towards the purchase of your first home. Choose one method and take action. Today could be one of those very rare days that a credible source offers you thousands of dollars in free cash.

Category: moneymaking Views: 650 | Added by: moneymaking | Rating: 0.0/0 |

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