SEO Elite Review: trying to catch the spiders...SUMMARY -------SEO is the art to feed the SE spiders what they like; SEO software is running after the spiders trying to catch their attention. Before buying SEO software, look at their example SEO websites and check if you can say YES on 3 items: 1. Is the keyword's popularity high? 2. Is the keyword's competition high? 3. Is the keywords' ranking in the SE number 1? ---------- SEO Elite does what exactly? SEO Elite starts from the following assumption: - look at the page that ranks number 1 in Google, - do exactly the same + a bit better, - and you will be number 1 SEO
Elite will examine "all" the SEO parameters that it finds out about the
number 1 site in Google. Then this SE software will automate the
process in mimicking this for your site. SEO is more than a software-approach! SEO is the art of ranking number 1 in any search engine for any keyword. Spiders
rank a website number one because spiders "think" that this site
deserves to be number one. Of course the spider cannot think: there
needs to be a programmer who programs the spider to find out which site
is best. Now if you are smart enough to feed the spider exactly
what the programmer thinks is important, you will have the knowledge to
rank number 1. This is exactly what SEO Elite does: it claims to know "all" the parameters that make a website ranking number 1. Pitfalls of a software-approach to SEO Suppose
you find all the parameters needed to rank a website number 1. You
manage to get all this parameters onto your site and you even manage to
be rank number 1. Now if your site is really deserving to be
ranked number 1, all is fine. But if surfers start complaining that you
are not, the search engine will be blamed! It won't take long
until Google finds out that "somebody broke the code" of the spiders.
The spiders will be updated to give quality results to the visitors! This
means you need to get an upgrade of your SEO software approach... : you
are running after the facts in stead of above the facts. How to be ranked number 1? You rank number 1 because you deserve it. In spider logic this still means: - your page talks about the keyword you are optimizing for - you page has lots of incoming links about the keyword you are optimizing for. This is what ranking number 1 should be about. But my SEO software is really up to date, or is it not? Your
software can only be up to date AFTER the spiders' software is updated.
Unless you write the spiders yourself, you will always be a bit later. You cannot know all the parameters the spider takes into account, unless again you are writing the spider software yourself. Some
of the parameters you cannot influence: age of the website is one of
them. Suppose the spider needs to choose between 2 websites: the oldest
one and the SEO mimic: which one to choose? The oldest one would be the
easiest bet, and you cannot change the age of your website can you? SEO Elite: a close look at this SEO software SEO
Elite advertisement says you can get a top 5 Google Ranking in under 30
Days... But the examples on the SEO Elite website tell a different
story! There are 16 websites listed at the bottom of the website with their rankings. Examining those 16 websites : - 6 are about Yahoo rankings (and the advertisement stated clearly Google ranking!) - from the 10 Google rankings left, only 1 is stated to rank number 1 in Google BUT - typing this so called number 1 website keywords in Google, the website ranks down only number 9! - and the so called number 1 website keyword-phrase is far from a popular keyword-phrase, in other words: not a lot of people search for that keyword AND the website doesn't rank number 1 for this keyword... Why do you do SEO in the first place? SEO
is 1 of the ways to get more traffic to your website. But there is more
in getting a lot of traffic to your site, than "blindly ranking 1 in
Google": --- Always make sure you rank number 1 for a word a lot of people are looking for! --- If you buy any SEO software or outsource your SEO to the SEO specialists: always check their SEO examples: - are they ranking number 1 -
are the keywords they rank for popular search keywords (bigger than
10.000 searches a month in the Keyword Selector Tool from Yahoo's
search-marketing is considered not too low) - how long did it take them to be number 1 -
how big is the competition for the keyword-phrase (smaller or bigger
than 5 million? As a general rule : above 5 million keyword-phrase
results in Google, things become though) - how big is the
competition for the quoted "keyword-phrase" (smaller or bigger than
33.000? As a general rule : above 33.000 quoted "keyword-phrase"
results in Google, things become though) If for all these items the SEO software or SEO specialist can answer YES, then you can start taking them very seriously! Let us use SEO Elite as an example of how serious you should take this SEO software. 1. SEO Elite: Are they ranking number 1? Yes they are for the keyword-phrase SEO Elite. 2. SEO Elite: Are the keywords they rank for popular search keywords? According
to the Keyword Selector Tool from Yahoo's search-marketing, SEO elite
has less than 2000 searches, so it's not that bad, but again, it is
under the 10.000. The top keywords are : 46762 searches for seo 10815 searches for seo services 9849 searches for seo company, and for none of these the SEO Elite website ranks number 1. So "No" for popular search keywords. 3. How long did it take them to be number 1? I cannot answer that question now. 4. How big is the competition for the keyword-phrase SEO
elite has about 1.5 million search results in Google, less than 5
million, so should be manageable to rank number 1 for. So that's a "NO". 5. How big is the competition for the quoted "keyword-phrase" The
quoted keyword-phrase "Seo Elite" has about 250.000 search results, so
the competition is stiff here and the SEO Elite website ranks number 1
here, so that's a "YES". 6. SEO Elite results 2
YES and 2 NO... so for my analysis, it SEO Elite is a 50-50 program. Do
I really need to spend the money to rank ALMOST number for a
not-popular keyword-phrase? 6. SEO Elite: the website Whenever you are interested in something to buy on the Internet, check out the overall website of the product you want to buy! SEO
Elite website is a 1 page website... Now what was the first idea to set
up the Internet? To give people information, lots of information. And
we are talking about a "net" in Inter"net": net means links here,
there, everywhere... (that's why links are so important in SEO) I did not see any of these, although this is an SEO website. SEO software: read and check the examples before you buy! Again this goes for all SEO software you want to buy on the Internet: if they say "I ranked this website for that keyword number 1 in Google", spend a few seconds to check it out! 1. SEO Elite: check out Google SEO Elite's first sentence talks about "your page in Google" This sounds promising: is SEO Elite "the" SEO software to get me number 1 in "the" number 1 search engine Google? Well, at the bottom of the screen of the SEO Elite web page you then read: Using SEO Elite I rank number 1 in Yahoo for this, that, and more site... Yahoo??? You want to be ranked number 1 in Google as that is what SEO Elite started talking about. And you are willing to pay for it! 2. SEO Elite's website examples The SEO Elite website lists 16 example pages: high example-rankings using SEO Elite. From those 16 , there are 6 Yahoo rankings, so that leaves us with 10 Google rankings. Remember my SEO keywords rule above : SEO is easy if your keyword phrase has less than 5 million results in Google. How many of the example site in SEO Elites website are below this 5 million? Only 2 out of 10. And how many of those 10 rank 1 in Google? Only 1 (or at least that is what they want you to believe!) ... If you are going to pay big bucks for SEO Elite, then you want to be number 1. Don't you? 3. SEO Elite's website examples : The numbers are wrong! Numbers, numbers and numbers... Always check the numbers on any website! So SEO Elite claims to have a number 1 ranking website : * keyword phrase : learn to type faster * website It takes only a few seconds to verify what SEO Elite says : Type in Google - learn to type faster - and see what comes out: 55 million results! and not 5 million like mentioned on the SEO Elite website. Great you say: SEO Elite is modest, he is able to rank number 1 with a higher competition than mentioned! Does he??? You scroll down in Google to find the example website ranking... Number 9! Maybe the competition took over after the time the SEO Elite website was written... For sure it did, but do you want to pay money to find out your page doesn't rank number 1 anymore? Like we said above: the spiders will find the mimics and push them down again! Or are this wrong numbers just typos? Anybody can make mistakes, but luckily we can easily check everything what is said about SEO, so always check before spending money! Rank 9 is not that bad you say.... I agree. But: do you always scroll down to look at the page at number 9? Not always at all... It's number 1 you want! What is even more strange: The quoted keyword-phrase : "Learn to type faster" has no ranking on the first page! Now this is what really bothers me: if I search in Google for the exact phrase "learn how to type faster" I would assume that the SEO Example site would be number 1 there! Back to Basics: web-traffic Your purpose is getting as much people to your site as possible, isn't it? SEO software has the purpose of ranking 1 in Google. Now it is very easy to rank 1 in Google for the keyword-phrase "jhdkghgkbdcds", but who is looking for "jhdkghgkbdcds"??? Nobody! So if nobody looks for "jhdkghgkbdcds", then why bother to rank number 1 with it? Same with the above example-site with keyword phrase "learn to type faster": The Overture keyword-tool says that 448 people are typing in this keyword sentence in Yahoo. 448 people... is this a lot? As mentioned above : Nope, and those 448 need to find the result example website at rank 9... What is a nice number? Anything above 10.000 but: also know that above 10.000 "the big boys' are competing with
you, below 1.000 you have the field for yourself. Ranking second for
this example website could be expected after 2 months, but it should be
number 1 in no time, without using SEO software. SEO Elite Conclusion SEO is the art to feed the spiders what they like. SEO software is running after the spiders trying to catch their attention. Always check the numbers and the facts about any SEO software and (this) SEO article! Then make a decision yourself. If you see that the SEO software - is ranking well for it's own product - is ranking web sites for popular keyword well, only then you can consider buying it.